Saturday, February 27, 2016

My first time as a book blogger

Hi all! I'm Dawn-Marie and am an avid reader. I've been reading for as long as I can remember. I would stay up late after my mom would tell me it was time to turn the lights off and read under the covers with a flashlight. Nancy Drew books were my first love and I still collect them to this day.

I'm glad that through GoodReads I've met friends who've gotten me out of my comfort zone of certain genres and had me try other authors so that I'm not stuck in a rut and wouldn't have found other wonderful books.

I belong to a group on Facebook called Thrillers, Suspense, and Mystery Readers group and they have a monthly book club and for the month of March the book is Find Her by Heather Gardner. I'm excited to read this book and to let you all know what I think about this as well.

Please bear with me as I set up my blog and my Facebook page as well.

What are you waiting for? Pick up a book and start reading!